Wednesday, February 26, 2014

19 week ultrasound

So today we had what was supposed to be our "gender reveal" ultrasound! However due the cord being in the way, we were left with no gender reveal but some very nice pictures of Baby P and lots of growth and development changes to witness.

Baby P looks good with a strong heartbeat of 157bpm and is measuring exactly where he/she needs to be. We are right on track for my July 22nd due date at 19 wks 1 day. We were able to see the eyes, heart, lungs, kidneys, bowel, feet, arms, head, spine, fingers, and lots and lots of movement. Baby P was whirling around in there all over and even the last picture shows Baby P with his/her legs over his/her head. We got to see Baby P waving and the feet kicking around. Just like with Hayden, lots of pics with the hands over the face! And even an "OK" hand signal!

Hope you enjoy the pictures and hopefully we will have gender news to reveal to you soon!

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