I know I keep saying that but it is definitely true!
The all day nausea has started to ease up, and I only really feel sick in the evening. However, new pregnancy symptom: dry mouth, terrible breath, and just a general awful taste in my mouth regardless of what I eat... anyone else experience that? Definitely NEVER had that before. I have started brushing my teeth like 5 times a day because it tastes so awful!
Hayden is getting more and more curious about the baby! We have the sonogram picture up in our kitchen and this week he has started walking by saying "Look Mommy... there is my baby brother! It in your tummy!" It's funny because just last week it was his baby sister.
Thankfully we only need to wait 3 weeks to see how omnipotent he is. February 26th we find out gender. Actually looking forward to knowing and being prepared for Baby P this time. It was fun not knowing with Hayden, but I think this may make the transition easier for all of us.
However, don't think we will rush Facebook with gender news. My creative juices have been flowing and I'm pretty sure I know how we will reveal.... peeps that are close may even get a Party Invitation to find out :P
Will post a pic soon as the camera is throwing a temper tantrum right now!
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