Tuesday, February 18, 2014


We are almost halfway there!

The past two weeks have been full of flutters, movements, more weird pregnancy symptoms and a whole lot less nausea!

Our avocado is now a sweet potato and is almost half an inch long and close to 7ozs.

In exciting news, this week brought first movements and tons of flutters. On the bad side, the VIVID nightmares (including apocalyptic alien and plague invasions) have begun. This was something I experienced with Hayden.... the VIVID dreams, not the content LOL! I wake feeling like these events have actually happened, but often I have slept so deeply that I still feel rested upon waking. I have started sleeping with a wedge pillow under my belly and a spare pillow between my knees. This makes me feel comfy and prevents me from rolling onto my back to sleep. 

The all day nausea and even some of the nighttime nausea has subsided. I have been experiencing some headaches, but our weather has been all over the map so I can't for sure say it is pregnancy related. The weird mouth taste is still happening and despite brushing, mouthwash and even a lemon juice rinse (thanks Babcia for the suggestion) it is still there. I asked the dr and nothing appears to be wrong so who knows...... it's all in my head I guess!

We have begun work on Baby P's nursery. We found a dresser the other day and have brought it into the room. Hayden kept his dresser so it is the only piece of furniture we need to buy. We will reuse Hayden's crib, change table and rocker, so just a dresser was on the hitlist. We have a colour scheme going and will paint once we know gender.

Speaking of that....... 8 SLEEPS UNTIL WE FIND OUT! Ultrasound is next Wednesday and Curtis is busy working on a "creative" way of revealing the gender to me. I don't want to find out at the ultrasound, I want to be surprised. The reveal has to top hours of later to find out what our bundle of joy will be. Plus we are having a Gender Reveal Party..... a party where we reveal the gender to people who attend. I am in full fledged party mode.... Pinterest is on gender reveal party overload. I am super excited to creatively reveal and find out the gender of Baby P!

Hayden keeps referring to the baby now as his "baby sister". So thankfully only a few more days until we find out. Either way I am excited to be welcoming a new little one to our family!

Thanks for checking and feel free to leave comments!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you guys to find out!!!
    PS I think Hayden is right!
