Thursday, July 29, 2010


I went for my second yoga class tonight and liked it just as much as the first one. We did a few new poses which were interesting. I have found out I am not very flexible in my ankles.... who knew you could be flexible there!???

We had to do a pose where we had to sit on our knees and lean back... needless to say the only place it hurt was my ankles! I asked the instructor for a way to stretch that area of my body and she said there really isn't a way and modified the pose for me. I felt like kind of an idiot. 

The best and funny part of the whole class was during shevosinah (a relaxation period) during the last 5 minutes. You close your eyes and focus on breathing and the instructor goes through each section of your body and has you focus your breath there and release your tension. 

About halfway through all I could hear was so very short and shallow breathing from another person in the class. The shallow breathing turned into deep breathing and eventually SNORING!!! A girl had fallen ASLEEP!!!!! Everyone in the class was kind of snickering by this point. 

To end shevosinah the instructor rings a bell 3 times. The sleeping girl woke up with such a start that she cried out. She was soooo embarrassed and didn't really stick around much to talk to any of us after the class. I felt bad for her but it was super funny! Can't wait to see if there is anyone else who falls asleep!!!

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