Monday, July 5, 2010

18 weeks!!!

Here is my belly at 18 weeks!


  1. Hey Holly!! Awesome ultrasound pictures!!You are half way there! 20 more weeks to go! So crazy! I also love the profile of me behind
    Hope all is well, keep us updated! xo Amélie

  2. Thanks Amelie!
    I love the picture of you behind me too. We should have gotten one side by side LOL! Oh well.... maybe when I am home in August!
    Thanks for leaving a comment!
    Hope all is well with you too! Lots of love to you and Nick!

  3. Awesome you are doing a yoga class! Sounds like fun!I can't believe you didn't find out when she said would be so hard not to!!!! By her comment though it almost sounds like you can tell what it but who knows! We will know in December!!! Also so cool you are feeling the baby move. I remember waiting and waiting and now she never stops!! They say she should slow down now but she hasn't yet lol. I did my hospital tour yesterday...getting so real! Are you guys doing a prenatal class? So excited for you to be home again soon!! take care and lots of love to you and Curtis as well! xox
