Thursday, July 29, 2010


I went for my second yoga class tonight and liked it just as much as the first one. We did a few new poses which were interesting. I have found out I am not very flexible in my ankles.... who knew you could be flexible there!???

We had to do a pose where we had to sit on our knees and lean back... needless to say the only place it hurt was my ankles! I asked the instructor for a way to stretch that area of my body and she said there really isn't a way and modified the pose for me. I felt like kind of an idiot. 

The best and funny part of the whole class was during shevosinah (a relaxation period) during the last 5 minutes. You close your eyes and focus on breathing and the instructor goes through each section of your body and has you focus your breath there and release your tension. 

About halfway through all I could hear was so very short and shallow breathing from another person in the class. The shallow breathing turned into deep breathing and eventually SNORING!!! A girl had fallen ASLEEP!!!!! Everyone in the class was kind of snickering by this point. 

To end shevosinah the instructor rings a bell 3 times. The sleeping girl woke up with such a start that she cried out. She was soooo embarrassed and didn't really stick around much to talk to any of us after the class. I felt bad for her but it was super funny! Can't wait to see if there is anyone else who falls asleep!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Crib Debate - HELP!!!!!!!

After looking at lots of different types of cribs and furniture for Baby P's room I am down to 2 different cribs. 

The change table to the left is the one I love the most. It goes with the crib below shown in both white and brown. They are a set. 

However, the difference between the cribs is the price. The white/brown crib is $499.99 plus shipping as it needs to come from the factory. The other brown crib is $249.99 and can be purchased right in the store.

Also I am unsure of whether to buy the furniture in white or espresso (brown). I like both, and most of the furniture in our home is of dark wood so it would be nice to match that. However, the brown is much more modern and white seems more child like. 

I am bad with decisions and don't want to let the price detour me from getting something I would love. Any information/feedback anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and super excited! It is starting to feel real now!!!

Stroller and Car Seat Travel System

Since I have spent the last couple of days couped up in the house waiting for our driveway to be poured and smoothed, I got out of the house and did some baby shopping today.

My intention was to price some things out and get an idea of items we need.

I spent some time at Sears since their Baby Days are on right now. I realized that a lot of items at Sears are vastly overpriced. While in the mall, I also made a stop at Zellers. I usually don't stray into Zellers, but I was very surprised at how much selection and quality they had.

I found a stroller/car seat travel system that I absolutely love!!! I found the same travel system at Sears for almost double the price. Not only was the stroller/car seat travel system exactly what I was looking for, but it was also on SALE! Plus when I got to the counter I got an additional 15% off from a scratch coupon. Needless to say I was very excited about my first big baby purchase!

The fabric is Sage green, with brown, white and blue polka dots. It definitely goes with our green, brown and white gender neutral theme! 

Let me know what you think!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My first pre-natal yoga session

I have been looking into lots of pre-natal classes and decided that since I already love yoga, a pre-natal yoga class would be perfect for me.

My first class was tonight and I LOVED IT!!! The instructor was really great and the whole last 10 minutes was focused breathing specifically on your baby and you! They were big on mommy-baby connections and it was really good. It was ironic too that the last 10 minutes it started down pouring outside and we were relaxing to the sound of rain and thunder. It was quite soothing!

It is a small class with women at varying stages of pregnancy (8 weeks to 8.5 months). It was nice to have a variety of poses with tons of variation depending on how far along you are. I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow.... especially, for some weird reason, around my ankles! I will keep you updated on my classes, but I can tell I will love them!


My belly at 20 weeks! We are halfway through. To put it in perspective... the baby is about the length of a banana this week! Jen and Scott gave me a website where they use fruits and vegetables to give you an approximate length of your baby each week! It is really helpful because you can relate the little one to things that you know! I will keep you updated on the fruit/vegetable of the week!!! GETTING EXCITED!!!!

More gifts for Baby P

Baby P is going to be one spoiled little kid. Aunt Pauline and Uncle Byron found the softest and cutest white blanket with yes! a giraffe on it! My parents bought us a Precious Moments figurine, a guardian angel pin, and the most fun card ever! Jen, Scott and Charlotte got us a Cuddle Bag (which eliminates the need for newborn snowsuits, which will be SUPER helpful in December when this one rolls around), an oscillating giraffe toy, a neat little spoon where you can put different kinds of food into the baggy and get the baby to try it without feeding it to them, and a cute giraffe sleeper with matching hat!
Thanks so much to everyone! We are building up quite the little collection of things, which is making me SUPER EXCITING!!!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

19 week ultrasound

This was super cool! I was able to see the baby's mouth open and the baby putting his/her thumb in his mouth! Plus I got to see most of the bones, the lens in the eyes, and watch the baby move around! Very surreal!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

How we told the family....

Since I was going to be home to visit my extended family for my Dad's 50th birthday party, we wanted to wait to share the news with everyone together. That way we could also see the reaction on their faces and be able to talk to everyone about it.

My Dad's 50th birthday party was the best way to tell everyone and our creative and clever idea was the perfect setting.

We gathered everyone for a picture surrounding the birthday boy as we brought down his cake. Everyone thought they were just going to be part of the blowing out process but we had another trick up our sleeve. My brother, sister and sister in law (to be someday!!!) carried the cake down so I could see the reaction on people's faces. The joke was the my brother and his girlfriend were carrying the cake, so they didn't want people to think they were the ones having the baby LOL!!!!!!!! Everyone pretty much got it though!

Take a look at the picture and enjoy!!!!!!!

18 weeks!!!

Here is my belly at 18 weeks!