Friday, July 18, 2014

39 Weeks

Baby P is the size of a watermelon and it truthfully feels like there is a watermelon in there. Everything has gotten heavy and low this week. It is about the most accurate fruit feeling so far!

39 Weeks has been not nearly as eventful as last week so far. Mild sporadic contractions, tightening and loosening across my belly, and a heavy feeling hanging there are about the only things I have to report. It has been hot here this week, but honestly I don't mind the heat and I've had no swelling so it hasn't been super bothersome.

Saw the Dr again this week. I was hoping this would be my last trip to see them, but Baby P may have other plans. Everything looks good. My blood pressure, baby's heartbeat (143bpm), and measuring all look good. An internal exam revealed I am still holding fast at 2cm with not much change since the previous week! MAN was that disappointing. I thought for sure we had progressed since I've had so much pressure and pain super low, but nope! She did a sweeping of the membranes to see if that can move things along naturally, but it is all up to Baby P now!

Other than that we have been walking LOTS, drinking raspberry leaf iced tea (supposed to help thin and dilate you), bouncing on an exercise ball, and trying accupressure points to move things along. However, Baby P will come when she is good and ready and I don't think much else is going to make her come.

Hayden is getting excited and keeps telling my belly "Come on out Baby _________". I put the blanks there cause he calls her by her name, which of course we aren't sharing until she arrives. It is really cute. He is really excited for her!

Thanks for checking in and leave us a comment xo

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