Wednesday, April 16, 2014

26 Weeks!

Almost to the 3rd trimester! This pregnancy is going soooo fast! Baby P is the size of a head of lettuce and can finally open her eyes and respond to light.

The past couple of weeks have been a lot of growth in terms of my belly and some more symptoms and cravings! I feel like I 'popped' last week (25 weeks) cause everything got tight and round out front. This pregnancy is so different that Hayden's because he was low and wide and this one is super long and high. I guess I am just perpetuating the myth of girls carrying high and boys low LOL!

The nausea returns…. unfortunately! Over the past week anytime I eat I don't feel good, but if I don't eat I feel worse! Lots of mints and ginger ale to calm that down!

Cravings include pickles (I know, I know…. pregnancy cliche), chocolate, and oatmeal. Not all together I promise! In fact thinking of that combination makes me feel nauseous again hahaha!

Had my first appt with the Maternity Care Clinic this week. They were great and very helpful. I am measuring a little big, but with constant kicks to the ribs the OB said that is expected as she is probably long. I have only gained 15lbs so far, which is great. Heartbeat was still high at 152bpm, but everytime the OB tried to get a reading, Baby P would kick the doppler in protest. It was funny! She is head down, which is good, and with lots of kicks and movement up top, she will most likely stay that way! *cross our fingers*

We are working on her nursery over the long weekend so expect some updates after Easter in terms of decor. Very excited to see how it all turns out!

We are slowly working away at the list of items we need to purchase for her arrival. The top of the list now is a car seat. Research has been done and I feel like the Britax is the model for us. PLUS the royal baby was brought home in a Britax… and anyone who knows me knows my love of the royal baby HAHA! All joking aside it is a great model and I think we will be happy with it. Next on the list is a swing, baby monitor (Hayden's is busted), carrier/wrap (going to a baby wearing class to decide on an option), and then of course CLOTHES!

I have stopped myself SOOOOOOOO many times from buying cute ruffles and dresses and PINK GALORE! I know once I start I won't be able to stop, so I am saving this for as long as I can! One day I am just going to go on a binge ruffle shopping spree! WATCH OUT!

Hayden has become really interested in the baby lately. He asks about her, wants to feel her move, and asks if we can read stories to her. It is really sweet! At daycare he introduces the teachers to me and his baby sisser, and of course they just smile and laugh. We are still making sure to do tons of special things with him to make him feel included. In fact I used him to test out a carseat and he loved it!!!! It was funny cause he was still under the weight limit of the carseat but definitely not the height!

Anyways all in all we are doing well! Please leave us some comments and thanks for reading!

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