Tuesday, April 29, 2014

28 Weeks

Baby P is now the size of an eggplant, weighing 2.75lbs and measuring 14 inches long. She can now practice taking breaths cause her lungs are fully formed. My toes have disappeared from view now and I'm starting to feel the heavy feeling in my belly that you get as you expand rapidly.

Will update after tomorrow's dr appt with medical info.

Feeling good. Feeling large and in charge for sure! Usually full of movement, we had a little bit of a scary weekend. Baby P wasn't moving very much Friday and I couldn't feel her moving especially around bedtime when she is most active. We got a little worried and called HealthLink. They reminded us that she is running out of room in there and it is normal for periods of rest. However we were supposed to lay low and keep track of movements and go straight to Labour and Delivery if she didn't move 30 times in 1 day. Thankfully she kicked and moved up a storm that day and we were saved the trip to the hospital.

No more weird cravings so far. Trying to be conscious of what I eat because we are going to start putting on weight rapidly now. Starting to feel super nauseous in the evenings again. After supper and before bedtime is the worst. Mints and ginger ale are my best friend again.

Hayden has been an active helper in getting ready for the baby. He always wants to help and spends time telling me about how he is going to help when his little sister arrives. It is adorable!

Thanks for checking in on us and feel free to leave a comment! xo

Baby Stuff and Nursery Update

So I'm sure that you don't want to see anymore pictures of coral walls and white trees with yellow birds but here's one more for a little while. We got the shelves painted when Curtis was home this turnaround  and they match the trees so well! We also got the last of the furniture up and due to some constraints in the layout of the room we had to adjust our floor plan. We ended up moving the crib onto the wall with the window, the dresser onto the painted wall, and that gave us enough room for the chair, with new fancy yellow ottoman, and the change table and hamper in the corner.

In baby "stuff" news we are getting things crossed off our list. We got a swing off Kijiji and it works great and is just what we were looking for AND 1/3 of the price. SCORE! We also chose a carseat….. BRITAX it is! Baby P will be rolling in style just like Prince George. Love the carseat, it is lightweight, safe, fits our stroller and easy to get in and out of the car. Now just to wait a few weeks and install it for Baby P's arrival!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nursery Update: THE TREES

So I had a lot of people telling me they didn't quite get what the last nursery pictures were. The blue blobs on the wall really didn't do it justice! It was hard to envision what the trees were going to look like against the coral background.

Well patience is not my strong suit when I want to know how something is going to turn out….. so I took it upon myself to make the trees appear!

I was supposed to wait until Curtis got home so he could help and be the one reaching to the ceiling, but I told myself I would try one just to see how difficult it would be to make it happen and how much patience we were going to need to tackle this together HAHA!

The first one went on really easily! There was quite a bit of extra length to the tree so it didn't need to be exact on the wall. It peeled nicely and with a putty scraper I was able to smooth out all of the bumps easily. Well because that one went on so easily and looked AWESOME… why shouldn't I just keep going?? Well one turned into two, turned into three, turned into all 6!!! **insert sheepish face here**

I was so excited by how it was turning out I couldn't help myself. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the end result. The wall looks a little orange in the photo but I am still in love with the colour, the trees and the yellow birds to accompany it. I added in some of my own branches to balance out the busyness on the one side, but overall I am super happy!

Now I have to wait for Curtis because he needs to paint the shelves white and actually adhere them to the wall (thumbtacks probably isn't going to cut it). And then finally find some cute decorative items to adorn the shelves with! Gah… getting so exciting! Hope you love the trees and feel free to leave comments about your thoughts and ideas! xo

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

26 Weeks!

Almost to the 3rd trimester! This pregnancy is going soooo fast! Baby P is the size of a head of lettuce and can finally open her eyes and respond to light.

The past couple of weeks have been a lot of growth in terms of my belly and some more symptoms and cravings! I feel like I 'popped' last week (25 weeks) cause everything got tight and round out front. This pregnancy is so different that Hayden's because he was low and wide and this one is super long and high. I guess I am just perpetuating the myth of girls carrying high and boys low LOL!

The nausea returns…. unfortunately! Over the past week anytime I eat I don't feel good, but if I don't eat I feel worse! Lots of mints and ginger ale to calm that down!

Cravings include pickles (I know, I know…. pregnancy cliche), chocolate, and oatmeal. Not all together I promise! In fact thinking of that combination makes me feel nauseous again hahaha!

Had my first appt with the Maternity Care Clinic this week. They were great and very helpful. I am measuring a little big, but with constant kicks to the ribs the OB said that is expected as she is probably long. I have only gained 15lbs so far, which is great. Heartbeat was still high at 152bpm, but everytime the OB tried to get a reading, Baby P would kick the doppler in protest. It was funny! She is head down, which is good, and with lots of kicks and movement up top, she will most likely stay that way! *cross our fingers*

We are working on her nursery over the long weekend so expect some updates after Easter in terms of decor. Very excited to see how it all turns out!

We are slowly working away at the list of items we need to purchase for her arrival. The top of the list now is a car seat. Research has been done and I feel like the Britax is the model for us. PLUS the royal baby was brought home in a Britax… and anyone who knows me knows my love of the royal baby HAHA! All joking aside it is a great model and I think we will be happy with it. Next on the list is a swing, baby monitor (Hayden's is busted), carrier/wrap (going to a baby wearing class to decide on an option), and then of course CLOTHES!

I have stopped myself SOOOOOOOO many times from buying cute ruffles and dresses and PINK GALORE! I know once I start I won't be able to stop, so I am saving this for as long as I can! One day I am just going to go on a binge ruffle shopping spree! WATCH OUT!

Hayden has become really interested in the baby lately. He asks about her, wants to feel her move, and asks if we can read stories to her. It is really sweet! At daycare he introduces the teachers to me and his baby sisser, and of course they just smile and laugh. We are still making sure to do tons of special things with him to make him feel included. In fact I used him to test out a carseat and he loved it!!!! It was funny cause he was still under the weight limit of the carseat but definitely not the height!

Anyways all in all we are doing well! Please leave us some comments and thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Countdown is ON!


Nursery Update - Toning down the pink!

So these pictures are hard to tell what is happening so here is the explanation:

We decided with the accent wall we wanted to make a little forest theme happening with yellow birds and white birch trees. We wanted to incorporate some shelves into the branches to make it look like the storage was built right into forest. Then we can store stuffies and other mementos among the branches. 

We got the vinyl trees and birds custom cut from "Stuck on U Vinyl Decor" here in Airdrie. They met with us and went through different designs we could choose from, different colours and options. Then they cut them for us and we picked them up. The shelves were from Michaels and still need to be painted white (a project for when Curtis is back next). 

So in the picture the blue part is the backing of the vinyl and the white trees amongst the blue will be what finally goes onto the wall in the end. There won't be any blue on the walls once we are done. The birds will also be a more vibrant yellow to match the crib bedding. 

Super excited about how good this looks and very excited to get the final product going on the walls!

Nursery Update - Crib Assembly

We have reused the crib we used when Hayden was a baby in Baby P's room. We loved this crib and it matches our design perfectly.

I was worried Hayden would become possessive over it, but he chimed right in and wanted to help put it together for his "baby sisser". Once it was together he did want to sit in it, but he knew this was going to be the baby's bed. So proud of him for that and he was so excited to have it up in her room!

Nursery Update - Painting

So we spent this past weekend working on Baby P's nursery before Curtis begins working away again! The first picture is how the nursery started, plain and grey! 

Our original plan was to paint an accent wall and leave the remainder of the wall neutral. This continues to be the plan but with a colour change. We had originally planned to use purple for the accent wall, but we had difficulty finding coordinating pieces and fabric to match the purple we were searching for. In our search we came across this beautiful  (but bright) coral pink colour that caught our eye. Since we wanted to accent with grey, white and yellow, it became a really fresh colour palette and went nicely with the dark furniture we already have! 

So off to Benjamin Moore we went with our piece of ribbon and found the exact colour we were looking for. 

So Mommy taped and Daddy painted and here is the result! Everything in the room now has a pink glow and the wall if very bright! However with the furniture and some extra decorations (coming in the next post) the coral has been toned down for sure!

Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

24 Weeks!

24 weeks and Baby P is the size of an ear of corn!

Of course, corn is NOT in season so this is not an accurate measurement as it was trimmed, AND SUPER EXPENSIVE! Baby P is measuring 12.5 inches and just over a pound. She is moving and shaking, especially early in the morning and late at night still. 

Over the last week or so she has started growing upwards which has caused some uncomfortable days and some tightness around my ribs. 

Another weird craving has hit…… Cream of Wheat! I haven't had the stuff in YEARS and all of a sudden I can't get enough! At least this craving is somewhat good for me and for Baby P!

Our baby moon to Vegas was AMAZING! 28 degrees and lounging by a pool was exactly what I needed! There was a ton of walking too though which has lead to some hip discomfort and shin splints! However, we saw lots of sights, saw a Cirque du Soleil show, completely enjoyed the warmth and pool, and relaxed just the two of us! We were so grateful to Grandma and Grandpa for coming out to watch Hayden so we could sneak away! They had a great time too!

Progress has begun on the nursery! We have picked an accent wall colours: Pink Peach. Kind of a coral/pink and have decided to accent with gray, white, and yellow! Such pretty and fun colours! Grandma and I did some fabric shopping but haven't decided on anything yet for bedding. Thinking of a damask pattern to make it fun and girly! Daddy and Hayden are getting ready to paint the wall, and then we have some vinyl decals to put up: white birch trees with yellow birds! There is lots to do! But we are getting excited to get started on all the projects!

Minus feeling tired and a little sick at this point, I am still feeling good and enjoying this pregnancy. The weird taste thing is starting to lessen, or maybe I'm just ignoring it more. 

I go in 2 weeks to the Maternity Care Clinic, the group of doctor's that will deliver Baby P, and to do my gestational diabetes test! Looking forward to the first, and not the latter! Will let you know when we do that and how the experience goes!

Thanks for following along with our journey! We truly appreciate you all taking time to enjoy Baby P with us! Leave a comment because we love to hear from you! 
