Tuesday, January 21, 2014

14 Weeks

14 weeks TODAY!!!

GAH! Time is going soooo fast!

I can't believe our little clementine is now a lemon! Growing so fast and Mommy is busting through her clothes so quickly! Quite a bump going now and very difficult to hide anymore! Even baggy sweaters aren't cutting it anymore! Thankfully most people know and instead of awkward stares, I get congratulations instead!

My food aversions continue with many more foods added to the list of foods I cannot stomach at the moment (or maybe even for a little while): Fruit Loops, Hummus, Coconut greek yogurt, and chocolate pudding! Although the all day nausea is starting to ease up, night time is the worst! I am starting to have a bit more energy which has been helpful now that report cards are done!

Again another perspective shot… our little lemon is poking around in there!

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