Saturday, January 25, 2014

Baby P's Nursery Inspiration

Inspiration can come from anywhere!

While we are waiting to make any big decisions on Baby P's nursery until after we find out the gender, we found inspiration today for the "feeling" we want to create in Baby P's room.

I loved this saying so much that it was an immediate purchase! There was only 1 and quite a few other people were eyeing it up!

I'm not sure about the blue letters but that is an easy fix…. leaning more towards yellow since we are thinking a yellow and grey based nursery with either blue or purple accents depending on gender! However, the colour at this point doesn't matter… I love this sign!

Can't wait to get it up into Baby P's room!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

14 Weeks

14 weeks TODAY!!!

GAH! Time is going soooo fast!

I can't believe our little clementine is now a lemon! Growing so fast and Mommy is busting through her clothes so quickly! Quite a bump going now and very difficult to hide anymore! Even baggy sweaters aren't cutting it anymore! Thankfully most people know and instead of awkward stares, I get congratulations instead!

My food aversions continue with many more foods added to the list of foods I cannot stomach at the moment (or maybe even for a little while): Fruit Loops, Hummus, Coconut greek yogurt, and chocolate pudding! Although the all day nausea is starting to ease up, night time is the worst! I am starting to have a bit more energy which has been helpful now that report cards are done!

Again another perspective shot… our little lemon is poking around in there!

Telling the World

So for most of you reading this you probably found out via Facebook with this picture that we were expecting:

Hayden loved the chalkboard idea, and it was a super fun way to announce our pregnancy to everyone!

We also decided on making shirts so that when we Skyped relatives they could read our shirts. Here they are:

I especially love MY shirt… because as anyone who knows me knows…. I am actually THAT crafty! HAHAHA

We are very excited to share our news with all of you and hope you will follow us on our brand new journey!

Maternity Clothes

So in the past week or so I have busted through all of my regular clothes and no longer fit any of my pants… BABY P is on a growth streak I guess!

Thankfully I already had quite a few maternity pieces from my pregnancy with Hayden, but since he was born in the winter, most of my pieces were summer based. Maternity shorts are NOT going to get me through a Calgary winter, so I decided to buy a few staple pieces for work and play. A pair of skinny black pants, skinny jeans, and a pair of comfortable work pants.

I was able to find ALL of this and with good sale prices too! But what I found more enjoyable was this sight…..

This is Hayden trying on the fake belly they put in maternity change rooms to show you what you will look like as you start to show more. He was CONVINCED that he needed to had a belly like Mommy's and proceeded to try and put his shirt overtop of an easy 7-8 month baby bump. Then he walked around the change room shouting "I'm having a baby too!!!" Best experience of my life!!! Made buying maternity clothes soooooo much more entertaining!!! HAHA


12 weeks already!

Although I will say that I am looking forward to the end of the first trimester and hopefully (knock on wood) this awful all day nausea to go away, the first trimester has FLOWN by!

Baby P is already the size of a clementine and I am showing much more quickly this time than I did with Hayden! No intense cravings yet, but I will say I am much less tolerant of certain foods this time around (anything greasy, deep fried, bacon, chips). Those things do not sit well and definitely don't make me feel awesome. I have been loving ginger ale, and peppermint tea. Both are great at settling the stomach. I feel like I eat non-stop, mostly because I eat 6 small meals a day as opposed to 3 big ones. If I go more than a couple of hours without food I tend to feel really nauseous! This is a much different experience than with Hayden.

I decided I would experiment with some different perspective shots to show my "bump" so I attempted this one. I feel like it makes me look super preggo but there is definitely a bump there, and a little clementine inside!


On January 7th we were finally able to see our precious baby P!

Since we had no previous ultrasound with this pregnancy it was surreal to see just how big baby P really was. And what an active little thing! The ultrasound technician couldn't keep up with baby P's movements. Baby P flipped, turned, kicked, and waved at us while we tried to get measurements and dating organized.
It was confirmed that baby P was 11 weeks 6 days along at that point, and we were officially due July 22nd, 2014!

We got some great pictures including the ones below of arms, legs, profile, whole body and movements! Hearbeat was good and strong at 157bpm, and no problems were seen! We are very excited to meet you baby P!!!!

Revealing Our News to our Families


Being pregnant around Christmas time allows your imagination to run wild with how to tell people your exciting news!

If things had worked out as planned, you all would have been getting something like this in your Christmas card….

But alas, we weren't able to get a sonogram picture in time! And since we weren't past "the safety zone" by Christmas, we decided to wait and make everyone's January instead!!!!

However, we were super excited to tell our immediate family that, both their and our families were growing! So being the crafty mccrafterson that I am, I devised a plan!

I needed an idea that allowed everyone to open their "gift" at the same time without causing suspicion! We decided on coffee mugs that were filled with coffee, tea, chocolate and candy, and that they were gifts we had made from Hayden! We made the mugs ourselves to reflect the title of the person receiving them. For example: "Best Grandma Ever x2" as this would be her second grandchild. We made one for all the Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents! They were really cute and on the back we put July 2014 in a heart!

Now it was time to watch their reactions and celebrate with them!

First up was the Peever side. As they spent Christmas with us we were able to see their reactions in person…. and let me tell you it was NOT what we expected!

We packaged up the mugs and gave them out Christmas Eve as a "Pre-Christmas" present. Since we had bought the kids some pyjamas, a movie and a special book, it didn't look suspicious that everyone was getting something. We waited with nervous anticipation as they all opened their parcels and said NOTHING! They looked at the mugs, riffled through the chocolates, said Thank You, and put them back into their packaging hoping to use them later. Curtis and I were STUNNED! Oh crap… our plan hadn't worked… what were we going to do now! So Curtis went up to his mom, grabbed her cup and told her to read it again. After a few seconds she got the message and started screaming! Everyone else looked around with disbelief as to why she was screaming, still not putting pieces together! It was quite comical because she had to explain why she was screaming to everyone. We were able to get most of it via photo (and she is going to KILL me for putting this up), but I think this is my favourite picture of the holidays. Here how it played out……

So much fun! Of course, they were very excited for us, and immediately all of the excuses as to why I couldn't drink wine, or why I felt sick all of the time, made sense HAHAHA!

Next up was my family. We weren't able to spend the holidays with them this year so we watched their reaction via Skype. We opened all of our gifts Christmas Day, culminating in our exciting news! It was quite the opposite reaction because they had barely gotten their packages open when Courtney and my dad stared at us in disbelief! We weren't able to get as many photos of that interaction but I did manage to get a somewhat clear one of them just after they had opened their packages (PS ignore Sheldon in the background… that story is for a later date LOL)

All in all we were happy and excited to tell everyone and they were excited to hear our news! Now it was just making sure our little peanut was okay and growing in the sonogram! And planning a way to deliver the news to everyone else!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

We're Back!

Hello all!
It's been over 3 years since we have posted here because we have been busy watching Hayden grow into quite a little man, but we are excited to announce that we are back here on another journey to another Baby P!

It's been quite the journey to get this baby, as we have encountered medical issues along the way. However, with a positive and determined attitude we resolved that we would do whatever we needed to expand our family.

On November 18, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. After a 5 minute long happy dance, I had to calm down and great ready for work. As Curtis was working away I wasn't able to talk to him until that night which gave me lots of time to plan my reveal!

This is the picture I sent him to let him know our special news!

It took him a minute to respond, but then I got an excited phone call! "Are you serious??" was all I heard when I answered the phone! He was just as excited as I was!

We knew we would have to wait to tell people as it was still very early (5-6 weeks) into the pregnancy but all we wanted to do was shout it from the rooftops!

Then it was off to the doctors for confirmation and an ultrasound referral so we could see our new little Baby P!