Baby P has finally arrived.
Curtis, Hayden and I are excited to introduce Tenley Heleen Peever to our family. She was born at 12:17am on July 31, 2014 weighing 7 lbs and measuring 20 inches. She has beautiful blue eyes and brown/red hair.
Here is her story:
We have had false labour quite a few times over the last couple of weeks waiting for her to arrive. Labour started Tuesday afternoon (July 29th). We had walked the zoo that morning and only some minor cramping had affected me. We came home and had a nap that afternoon. I woke up from the nap feeling crampy and super nauseous. I could time some contractions but not all and they were sporadic at 5-10 mins apart. We weren't ready yet. They continued on and off all night. As I could still walk, talk and laugh through them I knew it wasn't time yet. That night I had a bath and kept timing them. We all went to bed not sure how much sleep we would be getting.
Contractions were happening regularly every 4 mins throughout the night. I got up and walked around the main floor of our house for quite a bit of time before I decided it might be worthwhile to go to the hospital and get checked. Since we were 24 hours until induction I figured it couldn't hurt. At 3am we left to head to the hospital to see how things were progressing.
We got to the hospital and got checked. I was still only at 2cm and my contractions had mostly subsided. We were sent home to wait it out! So frustrating!
We went back to sleep hoping something would change and change quickly. When I got up that morning I couldn't believe how swollen I had become overnight. My two feet were swollen right up.
It had also become super hot over the last few days and today proved to be no different. The temperature of that day (Wednesday) was 33 degrees. I was so uncomfortable. My contractions were back to being regular at 3-5 mins and it was excruciating to sit. My only relief was standing and walking. Since it was so hot, we decided to walk around the air conditioned mall instead. Off we went, my mom, dad, Hayden and I to the mall. We walked the entire thing while still timing my contractions at 3-5 mins apart.
When we got home we headed to the Farmer's Market. We needed to pick up some things and to top it off the Food Trucks were there for a special appearance. There was no way I was missing the Perogy Boyz and their Perogy Poutine. However, in the end BAD choice! (I'll explain in a few mins).
We finished up there and came home to retreat to our cool basement. Hayden was tired from a long day so we put on the movie "Planes" and watched with him. There was no way I could sit so I ended up pacing around the basement with contractions steady at 4mins apart. They were getting more and more intense and I was starting to not be able to walk and talk through them.
When the movie was finished we went and put Hayden to bed and paced around the main floor. At around 10pm I laid down on the couch for a break and just as I lifted my leg to get onto the couch, I felt a huge gush of fluid….. my water had broken! I panicked hoping not to get the couch soaked and everyone was on full alert. We grabbed the hospital bags and everyone helped me to the car. I instantly could feel the difference between these contractions and the ones I had previously felt. These radiated all over and started coming quicker. Of course sitting in the car was super painful and I was starting to feel the need to push.
We got the hospital around 10:20pm and got checked into triage. The nurse started recording the baby's heartbeat and my contractions and the dr was there momentarily. She checked me and told me I was 5cm dilated. She broke the rest of my water and told me to prepare for labour. She sent the nurse back in, who informed us that there were no rooms at the moment. However, after only waiting 25 mins or so (11:00ish) we were loaded into a wheelchair and wheeled into our Labour and Delivery room.
Baby P's heart rate kept dropping with contractions so they re-hooked me back up to the monitors. I asked if I could stand with them on since that was the only comfortable way to manage them. They said yes and I was able to ride them out while standing. The nurse asked about an epidural and we decided that we would put ourselves on the "list" but try to ride it out without one. They started an IV and watched the monitor.
Then the fun began. Contractions were coming strong at 1-2 mins apart for 1-2 mins lasting. AND the nausea hit. I wasn't able to keep anything down and every time a contraction hit, so did a vomiting session like no other (hence why perogies as my last meal was not a smart choice). Curtis was a trooper through it all, holding the bed pan and then holding me up through contractions. I can't imagine it was pleasant for him.
The nurse checked me around 11:45pm and said I was 8cms dilated. I had a strong urge to push and within 2 more contractions I was fully dilated. Of course the anesthesiologist showed up at that exact moment and wished me luck because there was nothing he could do for me at this point. No epidural for this mama!
The nurse made me wait 2 more contractions before starting to push as she and the doctor were not ready for delivery. Those were the worst 2 contractions of my life. Even breathing wasn't much help at that point.
When they told me I could finally start pushing I was so relieved. Up went my feet in stirrups and with the next contraction I was pushing. Within 4 pushes her head was crowning and another 4 pushes and she was here. They immediately put her on my chest and she let out a cry. IT WAS AMAZING! They cut the cord and whisked her away for her APGAR rating and measurements while I finished delivering the placenta and being checked out. I am proud to say no tearing and therefore no need for stitches YAY!
She was given a perfect APGAR score, weighed and measured, and passed on to Curtis to hold and finally me to hold. She felt so perfect in my arms. The whole ordeal was a whirlwind. Just under 2 hours from when we arrived at the hospital until she reached my arms. I got exactly what I wanted! A completely natural birth that was quick and easy!
We were wheeled to our Post Partum room around 2am and settled in for a night's sleep, knowing that today would be an exciting day for everyone.
Check out our new blog ( to keep track of Tenley's progress and see how meeting her grandparents and big brother went!