Sunday, August 10, 2014

It's A GIRL!

Baby P has finally arrived.

Curtis, Hayden and I are excited to introduce Tenley Heleen Peever to our family. She was born at 12:17am on July 31, 2014 weighing 7 lbs and measuring 20 inches. She has beautiful blue eyes and brown/red hair. 

Here is her story:

We have had false labour quite a few times over the last couple of weeks waiting for her to arrive. Labour started Tuesday afternoon (July 29th). We had walked the zoo that morning and only some minor cramping had affected me. We came home and had a nap that afternoon. I woke up from the nap feeling crampy and super nauseous. I could time some contractions but not all and they were sporadic at 5-10 mins apart. We weren't ready yet. They continued on and off all night. As I could still walk, talk and laugh through them I knew it wasn't time yet. That night I had a bath and kept timing them. We all went to bed not sure how much sleep we would be getting.

Contractions were happening regularly every 4 mins throughout the night. I got up and walked around the main floor of our house for quite a bit of time before I decided it might be worthwhile to go to the hospital and get checked. Since we were 24 hours until induction I figured it couldn't hurt. At 3am we left to head to the hospital to see how things were progressing. 

We got to the hospital and got checked. I was still only at 2cm and my contractions had mostly subsided. We were sent home to wait it out! So frustrating!

We went back to sleep hoping something would change and change quickly. When I got up that morning I couldn't believe how swollen I had become overnight. My two feet were swollen right up. 
It had also become super hot over the last few days and today proved to be no different. The temperature of that day (Wednesday) was 33 degrees. I was so uncomfortable. My contractions were back to being regular at 3-5 mins and it was excruciating to sit. My only relief was standing and walking. Since it was so hot, we decided to walk around the air conditioned mall instead. Off we went, my mom, dad, Hayden and I to the mall. We walked the entire thing while still timing my contractions at 3-5 mins apart. 

When we got home we headed to the Farmer's Market. We needed to pick up some things and to top it off the Food Trucks were there for a special appearance. There was no way I was missing the Perogy Boyz and their Perogy Poutine. However, in the end BAD choice! (I'll explain in a few mins). 

We finished up there and came home to retreat to our cool basement. Hayden was tired from a long day so we put on the movie "Planes" and watched with him. There was no way I could sit so I ended up pacing around the basement with contractions steady at 4mins apart. They were getting more and more intense and I was starting to not be able to walk and talk through them. 

When the movie was finished we went and put Hayden to bed and paced around the main floor. At around 10pm I laid down on the couch for a break and just as I lifted my leg to get onto the couch, I felt a huge gush of fluid….. my water had broken! I panicked hoping not to get the couch soaked and everyone was on full alert. We grabbed the hospital bags and everyone helped me to the car. I instantly could feel the difference between these contractions and the ones I had previously felt. These radiated all over and started coming quicker. Of course sitting in the car was super painful and I was starting to feel the need to push.

We got the hospital around 10:20pm and got checked into triage. The nurse started recording the baby's heartbeat and my contractions and the dr was there momentarily. She checked me and told me I was 5cm dilated. She broke the rest of my water and told me to prepare for labour. She sent the nurse back in, who informed us that there were no rooms at the moment. However, after only waiting 25 mins or so (11:00ish) we were loaded into a wheelchair and wheeled into our Labour and Delivery room. 

Baby P's heart rate kept dropping with contractions so they re-hooked me back up to the monitors. I asked if I could stand with them on since that was the only comfortable way to manage them. They said yes and I was able to ride them out while standing. The nurse asked about an epidural and we decided that we would put ourselves on the "list" but try to ride it out without one. They started an IV and watched the monitor. 

Then the fun began. Contractions were coming strong at 1-2 mins apart for 1-2 mins lasting. AND the nausea hit. I wasn't able to keep anything down and every time a contraction hit, so did a vomiting session like no other (hence why perogies as my last meal was not a smart choice). Curtis was a trooper  through it all, holding the bed pan and then holding me up through contractions. I can't imagine it was pleasant for him.

The nurse checked me around 11:45pm and said I was 8cms dilated. I had a strong urge to push and within 2 more contractions I was fully dilated. Of course the anesthesiologist showed up at that exact moment and wished me luck because there was nothing he could do for me at this point. No epidural for this mama!

The nurse made me wait 2 more contractions before starting to push as she and the doctor were not ready for delivery. Those were the worst 2 contractions of my life. Even breathing wasn't much help at that point. 

When they told me I could finally start pushing I was so relieved. Up went my feet in stirrups and with the next contraction I was pushing. Within 4 pushes her head was crowning and another 4 pushes and she was here. They immediately put her on my chest and she let out a cry. IT WAS AMAZING! They cut the cord and whisked her away for her APGAR rating and measurements while I finished delivering the placenta and being checked out. I am proud to say no tearing and therefore no need for stitches YAY!

She was given a perfect APGAR score, weighed and measured, and passed on to Curtis to hold and finally me to hold. She felt so perfect in my arms. The whole ordeal was a whirlwind. Just under 2 hours from when we arrived at the hospital until she reached my arms. I got exactly what I wanted! A completely natural birth that was quick and easy!

We were wheeled to our Post Partum room around 2am and settled in for a night's sleep, knowing that today would be an exciting day for everyone. 

Check out our new blog (  to keep track of Tenley's progress and see how meeting her grandparents and big brother went!


Crib Bedding

We were fortunate enough to have my mom make the crib bedding for Hayden's room when we were expecting him and we were fortunate enough again to have Mom make the crib bedding for Baby P this time around.

We knew we wanted it to match our decor of the grey, white, and yellow since the coral wall was so strong. She found grey and white patterned material to make the bumper pads and lined the inside of them with minky fabric (so soft). She added yellow bows to affix them to the crib. For the bed skirt I had asked her to make an ombre ruffle skirt so that each tier was a different shade of yellow and was all ruffles to the floor. Finally the crib quilt was her own creation and she matched our bird theme perfectly. It is all hand stitched and AMAZING!

We couldn't have asked for anything more perfect for Baby P's room!
Thanks MOM! xo

Nursery Chair

So my amazing mom completely reupholstered the rocking chair in the nursery to match our decor and bedding! Here it is! Thanks Mom! xo

Another DIY project

So while we were waiting for Baby P's arrival I took in another DIY project. Since we knew her name I wanted to make a wooden name plaque. I had drawn up a template with cardboard and Curtis' dad cut it out using a jigsaw. He does all kinds of intricate wood work so it was nothing for him to cut it out! Thanks Papa! When it was done and sanded we painted it white and placed it in her room. Here is the result!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

40 Weeks 5 days

My beautiful friend and teaching partner Erin got married today. I was so happy and blessed to be able to be part of her special day. We weren't sure if we were going to be able to make it as Baby P is unpredictable but we were okay and able to go. It was a beautiful ceremony and she looked gorgeous! Congrats to the happy couple and here are some pictures of us all cleaned up!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Dear Baby P

Today is your due date! We are all anxiously awaiting your arrival! Please come soon!


Hard to believe we are at 40 weeks already! This weeks fruit is a jackfruit (if you are saying WTF is that… you aren't alone), so needless to say we don't have one to compare with, but I feel a watermelon is still a fair comparison to how big she feels so we will go with that.

I don't have much of an update since last time except for more sporadic contractions. Curtis and I were able to get out on a date the other night and saw Transformers… she clearly did not like the movie as it was the longest 2h 46m on record of pain and contractions EVER! Contractions didn't stop when we got home and carried into the night and then once again… STOPPED, to not be resumed with intensity yet. She is just taking her sweet time.

Secretly I was hoping she would come right on her due date, as she would share a birthday with the Royal Baby Prince George, and would therefore be destined to become his future bride and become a real life princess one day…. but sadly at this point, unless she kicks it into high gear and my labour is less than 8 hours long I have a feeling his birthday will be his own!

Will keep you posted on any new developments and IF we make it to our Dr's appt on Thursday I will update you with anything there.

Thanks for checking in!

Friday, July 18, 2014

39 Weeks

Baby P is the size of a watermelon and it truthfully feels like there is a watermelon in there. Everything has gotten heavy and low this week. It is about the most accurate fruit feeling so far!

39 Weeks has been not nearly as eventful as last week so far. Mild sporadic contractions, tightening and loosening across my belly, and a heavy feeling hanging there are about the only things I have to report. It has been hot here this week, but honestly I don't mind the heat and I've had no swelling so it hasn't been super bothersome.

Saw the Dr again this week. I was hoping this would be my last trip to see them, but Baby P may have other plans. Everything looks good. My blood pressure, baby's heartbeat (143bpm), and measuring all look good. An internal exam revealed I am still holding fast at 2cm with not much change since the previous week! MAN was that disappointing. I thought for sure we had progressed since I've had so much pressure and pain super low, but nope! She did a sweeping of the membranes to see if that can move things along naturally, but it is all up to Baby P now!

Other than that we have been walking LOTS, drinking raspberry leaf iced tea (supposed to help thin and dilate you), bouncing on an exercise ball, and trying accupressure points to move things along. However, Baby P will come when she is good and ready and I don't think much else is going to make her come.

Hayden is getting excited and keeps telling my belly "Come on out Baby _________". I put the blanks there cause he calls her by her name, which of course we aren't sharing until she arrives. It is really cute. He is really excited for her!

Thanks for checking in and leave us a comment xo

Thursday, July 17, 2014


So because I have nothing to do with my spare time but craft now (YAY) I started a DIY project to spruce up the baby's lamp in her nursery.

We have been working with this "bird" theme in her nursery and I found an adorable avant garde bird lamp. However… the shade only came in BLUE! Which of course does NOT match her adorable coral and yellow nursery in the slightest! With some Pinterest searching and some creative thinking I managed to come up with a plan for an adorable ruffle lamp using the leftover fabric from her ombre ruffle bed skirt.

It is 3 shades of yellow cotton, cut into 2 inch circles and then hot glued onto the lampshade. It took a lot of hours to put together but honestly I LOVE IT! So much more authentic than buying something. Here is the journey to making her lamp:

The start… so not the colour I was looking for!

Ombre cotton fabric

Cutting circles (over 300 of them in fact)

Gluing them on and ruffling them!

Three colours on…. trying to space them was DIFFICULT!

3 rows of each colour means 98 circles in each colour!

The end result!

The lampshade on the bird lamp in her room! ADORABLE!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

38 Weeks

38 Weeks! We are in the home stretch people! So this week Baby P is the size of a pumpkin…. well being the middle of July there is no way I am finding a pumpkin so you are just going to have to imagine this one! Sorry! Next week is watermelon and of course we will be able to carry that one through, but this week we are out of luck!

Week 38 has been VERY interesting! Lots of events happening. We kicked off the first day of our 38th week with contractions steady from 11pm - 3am coming every 3-4 mins apart. Then they just stopped and haven't resumed since. Curtis has just gotten home but since we didn't have family here yet to assist us with Hayden, my mom and dad flew out to be here. Well of course everything stopped and I had no more contractions that were measurable. However, I had some leaking. I had this with Hayden and it was what ultimately decided to send me to the hospital and put me in labour.

We went to my Dr appt on Thursday and the Dr advised us to head to Labour and Delivery since she wasn't able to test for my water breaking. However, Baby still looked good and was head down. I was measuring right on track and her heartbeat was 143bpm. That afternoon we made the trip to Labour and Delivery and I looked so stylish in my blue triage gown. They did a speculum test and decided that there was no amniotic fluid leaking, and sent me home. However, she recommended an ultrasound to see about fluid levels. While we were there they measured my contractions and checked me…. a whole 2cm! We are on the right path just not there yet!

After an eventful afternoon in Labour and Delivery we returned home to Nana and Papa finally arriving at our house. They are going to stay with us until after our little princess arrives. On Friday Hayden and Nana surprised me with a "birthday" party for Baby P and a small shower for before she arrives. Hayden picked out balloons, a tiara, and a red velvet cake to celebrate. Then we were showered with baby gifts and TONS of cute little girl clothes. It was very fun!

On Friday we also went to have our ultrasound to make sure the amniotic levels were okay. Thankfully they are and it is just a waiting game now. Mom and Dad went with me because they hadn't been to an ultrasound for Baby P yet and we got to see lots. Baby's heart rate was 139bpm and we got to see her face, head, spine, feet, umbilical cord, arms and legs. They measured the femur (6cm) and tibula (7cm) and head. We got a shot of her face (below) and the ultrasound tech was guessing her weight somewhere between 6 and 7lbs.

At this point it is just a waiting game. She is quite content to stay in there for now, so we will accommodate her and let her be. Feeling tons of pressure and mild sporadic contractions, but nothing measurable now. Hopefully we can meet her soon! Thanks for checking and leave us a comment! xo

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Happy Canada Day and happy 37th week to Baby P! We are now full term! Hopefully she will stay in there a little while longer, but anytime now she could make her appearance! Can't wait to meet you little girl! xo

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Getting Ready

We are getting very close to being ready for our little princess to arrive. Last weekend I washed and organized all of her clothes that we have received from other people as hand me downs or gifts. Since her dresser wasn't painted yet I stacked them all over her room!

We bought some newborn diapers and new creams and things so we are ready for when she gets here!

All receiving blankets are organized, clean, and put away just waiting to be cleaned again once she arrives!

Hospital bag is packed! Picked up some last minute essentials and it is ready to go!

Made and froze some lactation cookies! They are delicious cookies that are supposed to help increase milk supply with oats, brewers yeast and flax seed meal.

Hayden made a card and gift for his baby sister that he will bring with him to the hospital to meet him!

And finally since Curtis was home again this week, we finally got Baby P's dresser painted. It went from chocolate brown to glossy black to match the crib and change table!

All that is left is putting her clothes away, bringing up the bassinet, and waiting for Grandma to bring her bedding and chair cushions when she comes for Baby P's big arrival. Getting so close!!!