Friday, December 3, 2010

Due Date.... Come and Gone!

Hi Everyone!
So as most of you have realized by now, our due date for Baby P has come and gone.
I am a little disappointed that I wasn't earlier, but there isn't a whole lot I can do about it. Mom and I have been taking long walks with the puppies each day, now that the weather is nicer, and that has helped. After our walk yesterday I came home feeling nauseous and crampy. I laid down for a bit but that really didn't help much. I have been having mild contractions but they are so sporadic that it is hard to measure them.
Curtis and I went to the doctor this morning and I am 3cm dilated. This is exciting because I only have to be 4cm to be admitted to the hospital, but I have to wait for the contractions to be 35-40 seconds long, 2-3 mins apart, and lasting at least a half hour, OR my water breaks. I am hoping for the latter LOL so I know I can just go and not have to wait a long time. It is nice to know how far along I am though. It makes me feel excited but also a little nervous. I think the reality is finally starting to hit LOL!
The doctor also did a "sweeping" of the membranes which is supposed to bring on labour faster... so hopefully we will have a little one by the end of the weekend.
Cannot wait to finally let everyone know that things are progressing and we are on our way. Hopefully it will be sooner than later!
Talk to you again soon!
Love to you all

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