Thursday, November 25, 2010


Here we are!!!! HOME STRETCH!!!!
39 weeks and hopefully not too many more to go!

Here is a quick update to go along with the pictures:

It has been snowing here for the past 2 weeks. It really looks like the holidays around here. Hard to believe that back home is only 12 degrees and we have had -40 degree weather here. That was only 1 day, but it sure was COLD!

Mom and Dad were here and we had a great time visiting with them. We went to the Christmas Craft sale which really got us into the Christmas spirit.

It has been nice to have Mom here and helping me to finish some of the last minute things I wanted to get done before Baby P makes their appearance. She brought all of the bedding out, so I will be putting up photos of our nearly completed nursery soon. She has also been working hard to transform my rocking chair by creating new cushions for it. They look great and I will be posting pictures of it soon as well!!

As for me, I have been having lots of cramping and back pain lately, so hopefully things progress nicely from here. Last night was difficult to sleep and I ended up spending most of my time awake and downstairs on the couch so I wouldn't keep Curtis awake with my constant tossing and turning. I hope tonight goes better and I will definitely be napping this afternoon.

Thanks to all of you who have made your predictions about Baby P's arrival date. If you want to send me your date please send me an e-mail or let me know on Facebook.

Hope all is well with everyone and I hope that I can be delivering exciting news soon!
Love and best wishes

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