Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Inspiration behind Baby P's Nursery

So anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Giraffes! When we found out we were expecting there was no doubt in my mind that Giraffes needed to play a part in the nursery. How many times do you get to buy tons of giraffe things without looking like a weirdo???

Anyways on a shopping trip out one day I stumbled upon my favourite craft store (*cough* Michaels *cough*) and found these adorable wooden cut outs. The instantly became the inspiration for Baby P's nursery. 

I am thinking now I may make them into a mobile, as my mom is going to use them when she makes the crib bedding. If people have other ideas about what to do with them... just let me know!!!!

Our Front Hallway

So this isn't necessarily Baby P related but Curtis' dad did an AMAZING job and made us a deacon's bench for our front hallway. Again Curtis did an AMAZING job staining and finishing the bench and we finally got it into our front hallway today among other things. Take a look at how our Front Hallway now looks!!!!!

Some pictures of the room in it's early stage of completion......

Here are some pictures once we got things in and straightened around. Please don't judge my appearance. My hair is not done, nor do I have makeup on as I spent all day working.... but I figure there will be worse pictures of me while popping this kid out, so get used to it :P


One more time. Curtis again gets high praise for all of his "handyman" skills. We decided to put the dresser in the closet so that all clothes and things would be together. Plus this left us lots of room to put a rocking chair and some sort of bookshelf into the remaining space of the room.

Putting the Crib together and in the room

Same thing. Curtis did a great job of sanding, staining and varathaning the crib as well. Here we are assembling and putting it into the nursery!!

Putting the Change Table together

After Curtis finished sanding, staining and varathaning the change table, he battled to put it back together. Here is the during shots and the after shots of it in the room!

Pictures of the Room after it was painted!

Here is the room painted but with no furniture. You will see what I mean by difference in colour!

Baby P's room finally painted!!!

So these are really bad versions of the colours on the wall but we finally got to painting Baby P's room. The room went from "Antique Linen" which was a brown/taupe colour to "Agave" which is the perfect baby green colour. It is not minty, which I hate, and it is not yellow which happened a lot with the light in that room, it is perfect. In subsequent pictures you will see the colour looks different depending on the light and flash and stuff so don't be alarmed when they look totally different. If you want to see the paint colour for yourself go to the Benjamin Moore paint website and search for AGAVE (AF-420). It will show you what a whole room is in that colour. Or........ you could come visit and see for yourself!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Thank You Cards from Baby P

Since we and Baby P have so many people to thank for all of their generous gifts and thoughts I put together a Thank You card that is going to be sent out.

Sorry if you check on here and I ruin the surprise before you get it, but they are 1000% better in person! I love them so much!

They are essentially like a matchbook that pops open. When closed the animals on the front keep the top from opening, just like matchbooks do.

I love my Cricut and all it can do. They are AWESOME!!!!!

First Day of School & 27 WEEKS!

My family has a tradition that you always get your picture taken on the first day of school!

I thought it would be fun to take my first day of school picture this year heading back into class with my 5/6's. The day also just happened to coincide with the start of my 27th week!

Funny enough, none of the kids said anything to me either of the first two days of school about being pregnant. I am wondering if they are being polite and don't want to tell me I have gained weight or if they just legitimately don't care????

Who knows? 27 weeks and feeling good so far. Go to see my OB-GYN for the first time on Sept 8 so hopefully everything goes well with that and she can give me some more information about what to expect!

Baby Shower

So I had to make another trip home the last week of August for my cousin's wedding.

While I was home I was lucky to be blessed with wonderful friends and family throwing me a surprise baby shower! It was AWESOME and completely unexpected!

We played quite a few games including my favourite "Guess the Diaper". My sister and sister-in-law melted down different kinds of chocolate bars and spread them throughout newborn diapers. They labelled each diaper differently to spell out BABY.P and you had to guess what kind of chocolate bar was in each diaper. Needless to say the diapers were not so appetizing to look at, but the game was fun. I didn't win (clearly I need to eat more chocolate bars :P) but it was fun to watch the reactions on a lot of people's faces.

Baby P and I received lots of great gifts including a ton of sleepers, undershirts, bibs, diapers and various other toys and items. We are truly grateful to everyone who was able to attend and generously help us to start off Baby P's wardrobe.

I can only attach 5 pictures to each post on here so I am posting a link to my Facebook page where you can see the entire album with all of the pictures I have received from everyone!

Thanks again and I am so blessed to have so many amazing women in my life! Love to all of you!

P.S. I am 25 weeks in these pictures!!!!!!